A cat, not for us, but thanks anyway. Insert hysterical laughter. First, let me point out that Christian is allergic to cats, and I don't mean just a little bit. Prime example of this includes the time his grandmother brought him a t-shirt from Florida. She stayed with Christian's aunt and uncle that had a cat, and like all cats he was fascinated with her luggage. Christian puts on said t-shirt on and within an hour his eyes are watering and practically swollen shut.
So imagine our surprise when a cat picked us. One September night we are hanging out on the front porch while Sydney and Katie are doing their business, and strolling down our walkway was the most beautiful black and white cat. Well, in my very candid way of putting things, I said, "that is either the bravest cat or the damn stupidest cat ever." Within seconds of that, Sydney and Katie managed to chase him under the car where he just sat and looked at us after we took them inside. Now I am not going to lie, I fed this cat (gender yet to be determined) tuna that night. I am a sucker that way. I know, I know, that is a sure sign that a cat is going to stay. However, that is the last time I fed him for four days. Four of the rainiest days I can remember. Four days that he lived under our porch. Every time we would walk outside he would pop out from under the porch to say hello. Going to work? Yep, he would follow along and hop in the car.

Finally on the fourth day, our willpower to ignore this little creature ended. This may have been due more to the unrelenting rain than anything else, but it was one of the best decisions we ever made. Christian, of course, was not inclined to pick up this cat due to his allergies, and I was just plain freaked out by the idea of claws. Basically, this meant that Jack went by the name Sophie until I had the nerve to pick him up. He has a lot of hair, therefore making it impossible to tell his gender.
Once we discovered that we had given Jack a gender crisis, we set out to determine his name. Jack is named for two TV characters - Jack Bauer from
24 and Jack Bristow from
Alias. At the time, we had planned on letting Jack explore the great outdoors, so giving him the name of two bad ass TV personalities was meant to bode well for his outside adventures. Of course, watching him cross the street with total abandon ended this freedom. He is now an indoor cat, but he has a very nice screened-in porch to enjoy the great outdoors.
Jack was a great addition to our household. He creates havoc and entertainment every day, and Christian's allergies have lessened with time. Here's to stray cats and forever homes.